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Integrated API Features for custom applications


We have built into Vastly common application features that can be used as a template for building stand alone applications

1 has been integrated into the API and a chat application built on top of it. The socket connection can be tested using the API controller as it has a chat system that can be used with the API admins

2 SMS Verification Code

For mobile developers, Vastly has an inbuilt SMS auth verification using messageBird as the aggregator. Common authentication features such as token expiry are also implemented.

3 JEST Tests

Since the authentication module is quite large and testing each API endpoint would be troublesome, we have addded unit tests for all the Authentication endpoints, that helps to troubleshoot and implement or change existing features without breaking your system

4 Database Backups

Using an admin account, Vastly can Backup and generate JSON files for all modules in the database and store the files in any specific location you set in your device or server

5 Logs

The API has a Logger util that logs all activities and processes that run in the system, example accessing a resource remotely, when an Email is sent or when the Error controller handles a crash

6 Error controller

All errors in the API are handled in one file, this aids in error handling and generating error responses for the client. The error controller also sents notification emails to the Site admin once an error is handled

+ More Features

Vastly is equiped with many more features that will allow you to "Build 1000+ application", get a license from us to get started