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.js files

Notable configuration variables


This configuration are not required for Vastly to start.

Server PORT

Defines the express server http port.

Vastly by default runs on port 5501 , to update this navigate to server.js.

The port can be updated in the following line:

port = process.env.PORT || 5501;


To run on port 8000

port = process.env.PORT || 8000;

Payment Webhooks


Ensure to act accordingly

Vastly by default supports online payment webhooks, if your project does not require online payments, then ensure you deactivate this feature by commenting out the webhook paths

If you utilize online payments then update the webhook paths to be custom and private to you.

Payment webhooks are configured in app.js

//================PAYMENT WEB-HOOK====================
bodyParser.raw({ type: "application/json" }),